Friday, part two
A quiet day for Sahara - she felt icky and didn't make it to school. She's missed the entire week, which means she'll have some serious catching up to do in the days to come. We went to the hospital for radiation this afternoon, then came back just in time to greet my sister. She flew in this afternoon, and boy are we glad to see her. Looks like it'll be an early night, because all of us are tired!
She received a MOUNTAIN of mail and packages today - thank each and every one of you wonderful folks!!! WOW!!!!! The coolest stuff I've ever seen. I want to reach out and hug each and every one of you, so here goes: <<<<<<<<<<<
Thanks to those who continue to take care of Shannon while we're down here - gotta keep that boy fed. He's getting absolutely skinny!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. We're gonna rest and relax.
Love to all,