Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The truth, the whole truth, and nothin' but the truth

Recent posts and comments as well as an accidental Google search have led me to some conclusions:

  1. Some of you are confused.
  2. 99.9% of you mean well and are touching Amy and Sahara's hearts, as well as mine.
  3. People get real angry about barbecue.
  4. It's probably time for me to out myself.
Given that, I have a message from Amy: This website tells the official and correct story. Any other site, while well-intentioned, is not coming from Amy, Shannon, or Sahara, and may not be accurate.

People, you're free to write about Sahara and we love that you are getting the word out. But please, stick to the truth. Don't take rumors and run with them.

Now, for the facts:
  1. Sahara is 12 years old.
  2. Sahara is being treated at MD Anderson for a stage 4 malignant glioblastoma.
  3. Sahara has not had a stroke, and she is not paralyzed.
  4. Sahara and her family like St. Louis just fine. But they chose to seek treatment at a specialty cancer center rather than accept the grim prognosis of the Missouri doctors. (What parent wouldn't do the same?)
  5. Sahara and her family like barbecue. And cookies. No matter where they're from.
  6. Some people like pork barbecue. Some prefer beef barbecue. Others like chicken. I LOVE barbecued salmon. SMART PEOPLE like all of the above!
  7. Amy and Sahara do not share a birthday. They do, however, share a wicked sense of humor, a heart, a passion for all things Rick, and a zest for life that goes over the moon and back.
  8. If you are feeding Shannon, do not give him beans.
  9. Yes, that was Sahara that Rick pulled up on stage.
  10. Amy and Sahara have not run off to join the circus. Or the rodeo. Or the yodeling pack of velvet-Elvis painters who eat nothing but prunes.
Amy is the green voice on this blog. Sahara is the orange voice. And I write in black.

My name is pamela (not Pam) and I am Sahara's birthday twin. I am a writer from New York, born and raised in the midwest. Amy and I have known each other for about eight years; we have shared secrets, stories, sorrows, and the kind of laughter that either makes you a) snort or b) pee your pants. And sometimes, both.

I am the voice behind the blog because Amy has more than enough to deal with. I can't imagine being in her shoes and having to explain things 1,000 times a day, knowing that people genuinely care and only want the best for my child--and knowing that every time I talk about it, my heart breaks and I want to cry.

This blog was created to tell Sahara's story, with all its ups and downs, so that on the nights Amy's either too exhausted (or too full of good barbecue) to talk, those of you who love them will find updates and snippets of their day.

Amy wrote a long and lovely introduction to me a few days ago and it made me blush. She also commanded you to send me chocolate. (No wonder I love her.) Well, don't--I have more than enough, thanks.

She also suggested I post a link to my own site. Her words: If you think she's great on Sahara's site, she'll have you rolling in the floor if you read what she has to say on her own space.

My space, if you are so inclined, is I blog there at Fat Lady Sings, where I rarely sing; instead I whine, bitch, and rant, often in naughty words. So cover your eyes if that offends you.

And now back to Sahara, because she's the one who matters most.